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The Impacts of COVID-19 And Ways To Flatten The Curve

Ammara Maqsood | Mandi Bahauddin, Pakistan

Unfortunately, some of the people who are most impacted by COVID-19 are those who live in poverty. In Pakistan, there are those who are dying from COVID-19 and some from starvation. Many people cannot afford to stay at home without earning a proper income to feed their families. The unemployment rate is increasing not only in Pakistan but all over the world as well. The coronavirus is having a negative impact on our economies, and this has a direct impact on people as well. 

Some of the most prominent questions we have these days include:

When will this pandemic end?

How to save yourself from Corona virus?

What we should do? What not to do?

According to the World Health Organization, people have to learn "How to live with this virus." This means that the Coronavirus is here to stay, for the time being at least.

COVID-19 is not an air borne virus, which means that it can be transferred from sneezing droplets of the patient of the virus, or by shaking hands, or simply, being within 6 feet within a COVID-19 patient. Wearing a mask is not the only solution. Especially in countries like Pakistan which have limited health resources, we must maintain strict social distancing and follow health precautions so we limit the spread of the virus. We should also wear gloves outside the house, and stay at home if we are able to afford doing so. Wash your hands for 20 seconds straight. Clean your door handles using cleaning products or hand sanitizers. Eat green vegetables and drink recommended immunity booster drinks.

In Pakistan, the fear of being tested is another problem. People believe in conspiracy theories of how they will be taken away and isolated from their homes. However, hiding the symptoms of COVID-19 will have catastrophic results in communities, as more people are likely to be infected as well.

The government should introduce awareness campaigns regarding testing, in addition to the campaigns around social distancing that they have already introduced.

Most importantly, it is important for Pakistanis to take the virus seriously. Some people are mocking the virus, which has impacted millions globally. Please continue to follow health precautions and stay healthy and safe during this time.

Note from the editors: Please visit the official updates from the World Health Organization to find out more about the latest news and developments on COVID-19:



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