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Norah Nowarah

Inclusivity Director

Norah Nowarah is a second-year student at Ontario Tech University (OTU) pursuing a major in political science and minor in legal studies. Throughout high school, Norah participated in numerous efforts to help those less fortunate and to promote advocacy both within her school and her community (i.e. organizing a fundraiser for the Yemen humanitarian crisis and creating mattresses using milk bags for the homeless in Durham). This eagerness to participate in changing the lives of others continued well into university, as Norah is currently an executive member for the World University Service of Canada (WUSC) Local Committee - a club dedicated to helping refugees access higher education through the Student Refugee Program. Certainly, this Palestinian-Canadian is passionate about doing the most she can to ensure the needs/rights of all people are met and fulfilled regardless of their race, gender, economic status, etc. This passion grew further after Norah traveled to the Middle East in 2019 and learned about the struggles it’s people face in detail, as well as the way their political/legal systems have been designed. That said, Norah is constantly fascinated by the field of law and its importance to society, influencing her goals to pursue law school after graduating.

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