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Being Heard is A Right

By: Mohammed Rayan | A fifth of the world's population consists of youth. It is very important to give youth a chance to engage in their community in meaningful ways, voice their opinion and be heard for the decisions that impact them. Being heard is a right that should be available to all youth irrespective of where they come from or who they are. And why not? Perspective varies from one person to another and so engaging youth brings together a new perspective to the matters at hand. The inclusion of youth in the decision making process today will also result in better leaders tomorrow. When youth voice their opinion,  they not only empower people younger than them, but also serve as an inspiration to adults. More important than the youth voicing their opinion, is for them to be heard. With the rise of the internet and social media, having a outreach to a global audience is not hard. What we, the youth, need to do is be proactive and take a stand for the causes that we care for and those that affect us.

Being Heard is A Right
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