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What can you do for Your Country?

Tapiwa Maoni | Malawi

One of my favorite quotes has to be from John. K. Kennedys 1961 speech where he said ,“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” As young people we often tend to forget just how powerful we are when it comes to making positive change in the world. We tend to look at our circumstances; where we come from, what we look like and who other people say we are and we let these baser things determine just how much were willing too give into to the world, how much were willing to contribute, how much willing to stand up and speak out.

In these moments , I personally remember J.F.K’s words "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Because young people are capable of really impact the world and changing it for the better. To do that requires one to see beyond immediate circumstances and understand that every one of us has a responsibility to our families , to our communities and to our countries most importantly to ourselves to leave the world a much better place than we found it.

So I guess the question is; what can you do for your country ?


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