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Image by Persnickety Prints

Making the case for gender equality

Feminae Carta advocates for a world in which women and girls can not only dream big, but also be able to realize their dreams through investments in their well-being, voices, and participation. It is backed by the stories and perspectives of women and girls in every corner of the world.

Creating a world in which women and girls can not only dream big, but also have their big dreams realized.

Presenting background information, evidence, and research on why investing in women's empowerment is important, and its connection with economic growth in the world. 

Stages and progress




Road Map

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of Support

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Think Tank

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for actions



Thank you to our partners

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Watch this space for the latest updates, media features, events, and convenings held as part of our Feminae Carta Initiative.
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Feminae Carta global summit 2021

Paris, France
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Register for this year's Feminae Carta Global Summit in London, England!

Feminae Carta Research Retreat

An opportunity for our researchers to learn from experts, professors and fellow researchers from universities, institutions, and non-profits globally. All of the individuals also had experience studying at various universities around the world. The focus of this retreat was sparking conversations about the biggest issues that women face, potential solutions, and how research is effectively conducted in an academic and non-profit sector.

Research consultations

To understand the current work that is being done for gender equality by different nonprofits and companies, our researchers had the opportunity to meet with experts and leaders in the field. These closed conversations provided them an opportunity to learn more about the work being done, but also possibilities for the future and potential solutions through collaborations between non-state actors. Below, are the companies/nonprofits whose members we had a chance to consult with:
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Backgound Guide
Image by Michel Catalisano



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Dear reader,

Gender Inequalities have been prevalent throughout our world for so many years, and this is a fact that is known to women all over the world. We all face gender inequality differently in our lives, due to the intersection of our identities, and there is a lot of work which is yet to be done to ensure that women are given equal treatment, and equal opportunities to pursue the goals of their dreams. Our incredible group of researchers share a common belief: that big, bold ideas and policy shifts for gender equality are possible, and needed. We hope that through this background guide, you are able to learn more about this important cause, and gain insights into how to take action.

Research Navigation

Women's Well-Being

Image by Kaylee Garrett

Women's Voices

Image by Lorenzo Nucci

Women's Participation

Image by Christina @

Meet our researchers

To prepare our background guide, we had an incredible group of more than 20 researchers from 23+ countries work with us, who have collectively studied at more than 30 of the world's leading universities.

Women's Well-Being



North America   |   Latin America   |   Europe   |   

Middle East and north africa   |   East asia   |   South asia   |   Oceania   |    Sub-Saharan Africa   |   Central asia   

North America and Latin America

The current status quo kills, harms, and severely injures women and girls all over North and Latin America in multiple forms.


Healthcare requires massive investment, and policymakers who are willing to put it on the top of their agenda.

Image by Persnickety Prints
Image by Arseny Togulev
Image by Cristian Newman

Access is possible where resources, infrastructure, training, and specialized staff are. Considering the expenses, it would be an intuitive conclusion to suppose wealthier countries would have better healthcare systems. Let us test this assumption.

We have all found ourselves in complicated circumstances because we acted solely guided by the motivation to “be right” or “this is how things are done,” which is true both for individuals and societies. However, the political consequences of this mindset are far more dangerous and impact life or death decisions, mainly for minorities. The dynamics of dominance and reproduction of structural inequalities are the status quo, and they actively hinder advances in women’s health. Therefore, demanding a “conscious focus on social justice” to alter the power relations and move forward on gender equity (George et al. 2020).

In a nutshell: women’s health challenges are intrinsically connected to political and social structures, such as misogyny and racism.